The Answers You Need
Q: I’m interested in joining BCIC, how can I get involved?
A: At the beginning of the academic year, we encourage you to visit the BCIC table at the Student Involvement Fair and sign up for our mailing list. We use this mailing list to update our members on our meeting times and agendas. We also use it to share updates from recruiters on internship and job postings in the financial services industry. If you are interested in joining BCIC at any point after the fall Student Involvement Fair, please contact bcinvestclub@gmail.com
Q: Do I need to be in CSOM or have a prior background in investing to join BCIC?
A: No! We welcome all members regardless of their academic or professional background. We currently have members that span all of Boston College’s schools. As stated on our home page, we strive to provide members with a comprehensive introduction to the financial services industry through guest lectures, education sessions, exclusive networking opportunities, and on-campus mentorship regardless of their individual backgrounds. We are open to both undergraduate and graduate Boston College students.
Q: What is the difference between the General Membership and the Analyst Program?
A: The General Membership is open to all members of the Boston College community and does not require an application or experience to join. Any community member interested in learning more about the financial markets, investment strategy, and more should feel welcome to join the group. General Members attend a weekly meeting that lasts for approx. 60 minutes and includes stock pitches, education sessions, guest speakers, and other events. The Analyst Program is a more select group of approx. 80 members that have demonstrated a keen interest in the markets and dedication to BCIC - analysts have been selected from a competitive pool of applicants. Once selected, each analyst is assigned to one of six sector groups and is responsible for monitoring all of the fund’s holdings in that respective sector. Members also engage in weekly discussions on relevant market trends and screen for new pitch ideas. The Analyst Program meets once a week in addition to the General Meeting time.
Q: How can I be considered for the Analyst Program?
A: At the beginning of the academic year, we will hold a six-week training program that we call the “Education Track”. At the end of the six weeks, Analyst Program members that actively participate and demonstrate a clear passion for the markets, as well as a commitment to BCIC, will be invited to submit a pitch and sit for an interview. The pitch will allow prospective Analysts to tie together all of what they learned during the Education Track. Analysts should feel free to select a company of their choosing as long as it fits with BCIC’s criteria (outlined below). Through the interview, the Executive Board will learn more about the prospective Analyst’s interests both inside and outside of finance. We look for applicants that have a demonstrated passion and curiosity for investing and the markets regardless of experience or academic background.
Q: How can I be considered for the Executive Board?
A: All members of the Analyst Program are invited to apply for a position on the Executive Board. The selection process takes place at the end of each academic year (around April) and consists of a written application and round of interviews with the outgoing Executive Board. A successful candidate must demonstrate significant commitment to BCIC, ideas to further grow and improve the organization, a passion for the markets, and a willingness to mentor their peers.
Q: What am I allowed to pitch?
A: All members of BCIC are strongly encouraged to pitch. Pitching a stock is a great way to distinguish yourself and demonstrate your commitment to the club. Due to our relationship with Boston College’s endowment, we have several guidelines that we must strictly adhere to. The fund is allowed to hold US Dollar denominated securities trade on U.S. exchanges including equities and exchange traded funds (ETFs). The fund is NOT allowed to buy on margin, short, invest in derivatives (such as futures or options), foreign currencies, and companies with a market capitalization of less than $50 million. Other restrictions may apply. If you would like to pitch a stock, please let the BCIC Executive Board know by contacting us at bcinvestclub@gmail.com
Q: How does the voting process work when deciding whether or not to invest?
A: Buy or sell stock pitches only take place during the Monday night General Membership meetings. Each BCIC member that is present at the meeting is given one vote. After hearing both the pitch and counter-pitch, the members present vote using an online voting platform. If the majority of those present vote in favor of buying or selling the given security then the Executive Board will size the position and communicate with the fund’s faculty advisor to execute the trade.
Q: I’m putting together my first pitch and don’t know where to start. What are some resources I can use for idea generation?
A: We cover the answer to this question in both the Resources section of this website and our primer on Methods and Research for Investing exclusively available to members. Please reference those two pages for the answer to this question. The Executive Board is also available to answer any questions during the pitch process.
Q: How does BCIC differ from some of the other finance-related organizations on campus such as the Investment Banking Association and Heights Capital?
A: BCIC runs a long-only value-investing fund. This method of investing is about “finding an outstanding company at a sensible price.” Hence, we conduct fundamental analysis of companies across all sectors of the market in order to find those with strong ‘economic moats’ or competitive advantages that will enable them to generate superior returns over a long-term investment horizon. BCIC also strives to provide members with a comprehensive introduction to the financial services industry through guest lectures, education sessions, exclusive networking opportunities, and on-campus mentorship.
For a brief comparison, the Investment Banking Association provides members with the training and mentorship necessary to succeed in investment banking interviews. Heights Capital runs a long/short fund that does not have any portfolio restrictions and therefore invests across all asset classes. Similar to both BCIC and the Investment Banking Association, Heights Capital provides mentorship and education sessions. Depending on your personal interests and professional aspirations, all three organizations are complementary. Joining each of these organizations makes for an immersive introduction to the financial services industry.
Q: When are BCIC’s meetings?
A: Unless otherwise noted, BCIC’s general meetings take place on Mondays at 7 pm EST. The Analyst Program meets on Thursdays at 6 pm EST. These meeting times are subject to change; please check with our calendar for the most up-to-date information.
Q: I’m interested in pursuing a career in the financial services sector, who can I talk to for guidance?
A: The Executive Board is more than happy to help out wherever possible. Many of the individuals on the Board have either worked in internships in the industry or successfully recruited for positions in the industry. Please do leverage us and ask us whatever questions you might have whether they are specific to your recruiting process or more broadly focused on understanding different career paths. Each semester, BCIC also hosts a Careers in Finance education session that provides in-depth explanations and first-hand anecdotes of roles in Investment Banking, Sales & Trading, Equity Research, Asset Management, Wealth Management, Private Equity, Real Estate, and more.
Q: What topics does BCIC cover in the education sessions?
A: BCIC will provide a sound introduction to the following topics: Financial Accounting, Financial Statement Analysis, Corporate Finance, Time Value of Money, Comparable Company Analysis, Precedent Transaction Analysis, Three Statement Modeling, and the Discounted Cash Flow.